Paleo Newbie

7 Very Paleo Ways To Protect Your Heart

Forget the low-fat diets and statin drugs for heart health.

Dietician Cassie Bjork writing on Primal Docs offers 7 quick tips to naturally protect your ticker.

Here’s a brief summary of each:

  1. Eat less refined sugar and fewer processed carbs. Both contribute to inflammation which can lead to heart disease.
  2. Eat healthy fats. Choose good fat sources such as avocado, coconut oil, olive oil, nuts (and for our primal friends, heavy cream and butter) – all to nourish and repair blood vessels. Try to pair a healthy fat with every meal.
  3. Skip the inflammatory oils. That would include vegetable oil, canola oil, hydrogenated oil, corn oil, soybean oil, safflower oil and margarine.
  4. Eat balanced meals. That means ideally getting the Big 3 with every meal: Healthy proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
  5. Support your heart health with supplements. You might want to consider CoQ10, fish oil, a quality probiotic and L-Glutamine – all can help reduce inflammation and heal your gut.
  6. Relax more. Stress can increase your blood pressure, damage your arteries, produce irregular heart rhythms and weaken your immune system.
  7. Give your heart a good workout. Instead of long cardio routines, the preferred paleo way is shorter and more efficient workouts – look into interval training, HIIT, or CrossFit.

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Check out the original article for more details on each of these 7 heart healthy tips.

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