Paleo Newbie

How Many Ingredients Are in McDonald’s Fries? You Won’t Be Lovin’ The Answer

A new campaign has appeared on McDonald’s marketing menu – supposedly to lure millennials back into the fast food giant’s restaurants amid reports the number of young customers defecting to other casual food chains is growing.

The new pitch tagged “Our Food. Your Questions.” is an apparent bid to beef-up McD’s appeal to a younger, more health conscious generation. The meat of the campaign is a series of viral-ready videos featuring Grant Imahara, a former cast member of the popular “MythBuster” TV show.

In one video (see it below), Imahara explains what exactly goes into McDonald’s fries with the help of a handwritten easel pad – dutifully running through a long list of 19 ingredients.

McDonald’s fry recipe includes seven different oils – none of which are paleo approved by the way – along with some tongue-twisting oddities like dimethylpolysiloxane which Imahara describes as an anti-foaming agent…yummy!

Will McDonald’s new marketing campaign lure young patrons back into its stores? In my opinion, trying to pitch their food quality by detailing every one of the 19 ingredients in McDonald’s potato sticks may come across as too much information for the younger crowd who’s just hungry for a cheap, fast meal.

You can watch the video here:

[av_video src=’’ format=’16-9′ width=’16’ height=’9′ custom_class=” av_uid=’av-5f28p4′]


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