Carrot Cake Cupcakes w/Cinnamon-Vanilla Frosting

I’ve got a real thing for carrot cake. But since going paleo, I’ve managed to not give in to the temptation. Until now…

I’ve thought about making a paleo and gluten-free version of carrot cake with raisins for a year now. But I kept putting it off because I figured it wouldn’t turn out that great. I’m just not willing to put a recipe out there that’s so-so. No one wants an “okay” carrot cake. My philosophy is go big or go home.

So last weekend, I finally got up the nerve to give it a go, fretting the whole time it would just turn out blah. Well some days the kitchen gods are smiling on you I guess. On my first attempt, this recipe turned out amazing.

My hubby said this carrot cake was awesome and so good that it didn’t even need frosting. Well, you all know that would never happen so I came up with a simple frosting to top these off. It’s not the traditional cream cheese of course. I didn’t want to try and fake that. But it’s a nice vanilla-cinnamon frosting I think you’ll like. It’s just as sweet and compliments the cake beautifully. After frosting them I sprinkled a few chopped walnuts on each one – but of course you can leave those off if you prefer. [av_sidebar widget_area=’Lockerdome’ av_uid=’av-2aepo4′]

easy paleo recipe for carrot cake cupcake with vanilla frostingWhy are these cupcakes instead of a layer cake? No real reason. You can make it either way with this recipe. I just thought cupcakes would look so cute on a cake platter…great for a fun party or luncheon. Y’know, there is one advantage to making these as cupcakes – at least for me: portion control. I can have one and I’m done. With an entire layer cake, I’d be tempted to go crazy.

I really hope you give this treat a try. I’m pretty sure you won’t be disappointed. In fact I see my hubby and son munching on one right now…no wonder it got so quiet in here!

Thumbs up all around on this one folks!

Go for it and enjoy!

Carrot Cake Cupcakes w/Cinnamon-Vanilla Frosting Recipe

Carrot Cake Cupcakes w/Cinnamon-Vanilla Frosting Recipe


    Carrot Cake
  • 1 1/2 cups of almond flour
  • 2 Tbsp of coconut flour
  • 1 tsp of baking soda
  • 2 tsp of cinnamon
  • 1 tsp of allspice
  • 1/4 tsp of salt
  • 1/3 cup + 1 Tbsp of full fat coconut milk
  • 3 large eggs, whisked
  • 1/4 cup of coconut oil, melted
  • 1/3 cup of honey
  • 1 tsp of vanilla
  • 1/2 cup of raisins
  • 1 1/4 cup of grated carrots
  • Frosting
  • 1/2 cup of palm shortening
  • 1/4 cup of honey
  • 3 Tbsp of coconut butter
  • 2 tsp of vanilla
  • 1 tsp of ground cinnamon
  • Optional: Chopped walnuts for sprinkles
  • Makes about 10 cupcakes


    Carrot Cake
  1. Set aside the raisins and grated carrots until final mixing step
  2. In a mixing bowl, first combine all dry ingredients
  3. In a separate bowl, combine all wet ingredients
  4. Pour the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients bowl
  5. Combine until well mixed
  6. Finally, fold in the grated carrots and raisins
  7. Preheat oven to 350-degrees F
  8. Place cupcake paper liners or silicone cups inside muffin tin wells
  9. Pour carrot cake batter into each and fill about 2/3 full
  10. Bake 20-23 minutes at 350-degrees F – baking times may vary. Test by inserting a toothpick; if it comes out clean they should be done
  11. Allow to cool before frosting
  12. Frosting
  13. Blend all frosting ingredients together with a stand or hand-held mixer
  14. Place frosting mixture in refrigerator until it firms up a bit
  15. Frost cupcakes
  16. Store frosted cupcakes in refrigerator
  17. Remove cupcakes from fridge and allow frosting to soften at room temperature for about 15 minutes before serving
  18. Enjoy!


Join the Conversation

  1. So good! I made my sans frosting, and used some 1-to-1 Bob’s GF flour in place of some of the almond meal since I was out… Turned out great, will be good for breakfasts!

    1. Thank you Kelsey!

  2. These are absolutely delightfully delicious! Even my unhealthy thinking ones love them! The frosting is a delectable accompaniment! Oh! I do love these! Thank you for sharing! :D

    1. Thank you Debbie! Now you have me craving them. haha! I’m happy you enjoyed!

  3. MrDrewGarcia says:

    Juicing Gave this recipe a second life…

    A few years ago when I was going pretty hard on the paleo, I found these cupcakes to be a god send… Though I probably ate too much of them…

    Anyhow I’ll cut to the chase… I am doing a juice cleanse for 30 days, on day 4 and couldn’t help to notice how much waste there was from all the veggies including carrots… Then I remembered this recipe and I remember how much I hated gadding the carrots and here i’m on about 4 cups of gated carrot from the juicer…. So next thing you know I’m trying to use the juicer waste to make these paleo treats for my mom and dad to enjoy… They came out great, I have tried them myself because I’m trying to stick to the juice but mom and dad said they’re great… I hope they’re not just trying to be nice because I’ll be bringing them tons in next few weeks….. One last though, I’m going to try to substitute pineapple pulp for the carrots just to see how it holds up.

    Thanks Paleo Newbie lady…

    1. Wow Drew, You certainly are creative! Good for you. I bet your mom and dad are loving all the goodies! :) Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Hi, I have made this recipe twice. the first time was perfect except I realized I didn’t have a
    cupcake or muffin so I used a small glass casserole dish. It came out delicious! My husband prefers it unfrosted as I do. The second time I ran out of homey so used molasses instead and didn’t have raisins so used chopped up dates. The cake came out just as good as the first time, thank you for a great tasting and easy recipe!

    1. Well good for you for using alternate ingredients on the fly Johanne! I wanna eat at your house! :)

  5. Kristi Ault says:

    This looks amazing. I would like to try as a cake. Do you have baking times for a cake?

    1. I haven’t made this as a cake, so I’m not sure. Sorry Kristi.

  6. I am ECSTATIC about being able to make and eat carrot cake! Thank you so much! I have to watch my sugars, is there any alternative for the honey? Thanks!

    1. Qwaye, My sugar subs are typically honey or maple syrup. Either is good in this recipe. :)

  7. I am on a low-FODMAP diet & want to know if there is something else to use in place of the honey?

    1. Maple syrup should work just fine! :)

  8. Never heard of Palm shortening ……. What can it be substituted with??
    Would love tomake these x

    1. Organic butter if you tolerate dairy.

  9. GreAt recipe! Thank you. While the frosting is delicious, we will probably not use it on future batches, liked it better without….they are just so good!

    1. You know what, I agree. Sometimes I make them without because they are just that good! :) Thank you!

      1. Anonymous says:

        Any idea how many calories per cupcake?

        1. Sorry, at this time I do not calorie count the recipes.

        2. Zero calories – when you break open the cupcake, this causes calorie leakage which could lead to 0 calories LOL

  10. That looks amazing! Can’t wait to try these!

    XO Chloe

    1. Chloe, They are so good. Sometimes I make them and skip the frosting. They are that yummy! :) Thanks for taking the time to comment.

  11. If I don’t have coconut flour and since it’s such a small amount could I omit and add more almond flour?

    1. I use it for texture and to give a more cupcake like taste. I don’t know how it would work without the coconut flour. But you can give try.

  12. Gayle Fischer says:

    These are unbelievably delish! We’re only in our 5th month of the Paleo lifestyle and it was so refreshing to find your recipes… Thank you so much for all you do to share with us!

    1. Thank you Gayle! I’m so glad you found us and enjoy the recipes. Congrats on 5 months paleo! That’s awesome! Cheers! :)

  13. These were delicious.

    1. Thank you Alicia! One of my favs for sure! ;) thanks for your comment!

  14. These are amazing, even without frosting! I added walnuts to the batter. These ARE SO GOOD! Thank you so much for sharing!

    1. Thank you! It’s funny, I told my husband the same thing. I said, do we really need frosting? Obviously cupcakes usually are better with it, but I’m a carrot cake girl, and this is one of my favorite recipes. Thanks for commenting. ;)

  15. OH MY GOODENESS! I’m in carrot cake love! Made these last night! I love them! Thanks for the resipe!!!

    1. Thank you Shelly! I love carrot cake too! Glad you liked it!

  16. I am going to share this tomorrow and if it ends up being a snow day, I will make it with the kids. I love carrot cake and by turning it into a cupcake with yummy icing, you just guaranteed that my children will too. TY!

  17. There are several vanilla Paleo frostings out there you can try just by searching on google. You could use coconut oil but I haven’t made it that way so I’m not sure how the recipe would be adapted.

  18. What else can be used if we are unable to find palm oil?

  19. Me me me! Over here!

  20. When the whole 30 is over, maybe this can be a fun treat. Palm shortening is made from Palm oil and works well for frostings and glazes. I got mine at tropical traditions.

  21. These look really good, but I just started a whole 30 with others from my gym.

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